Should I Invest in Digital Marketing During COVID-19?

Without a doubt, the current pandemic is changing the way we do business. However, new challenges bring new innovation and new opportunities. For those reasons, business owners and entrepreneurs are looking for ways to mitigate the economic impact of what is happening and adapt the way we think about and operate our industries.

Both small business operators and e-commerce sellers need to consider how they can evolve during these difficult times. Digital marketing is proving to be a reliable resource amidst the current pandemic. According to recent statistics, 89% of enterprises have a digital-first business strategy or are planning to adopt one.

The implication, in this case, is that digital marketing has a direct impact on business outcomes, thereby making it part of the investments you should consider. Below are details on the reasons why you should invest in digital marketing at such a time as this and going forward.

1. Facilitates Online Sales

Driving sales is part of the priorities of every entrepreneur, especially when the future is somewhat uncertain. The fact that you may not be able to move freely as before due to the pandemic poses a challenge to your marketing efforts. Additionally, you may be into e-commerce, but you lack insight into how you can increase engagement and drive sales.

Digital marketing is setting a revolution in how businesses operate by facilitating online sales. Consider the following;

  • Individuals are three times more likely to confirm that their digital investment was a success.
  • Focusing on consumer experience by investing in digital marketing can generate profits of up to 20-50% and improve customer satisfaction by 20-30%.

In light of the details above, it is a fact that digital marketing is a worthwhile investment, and in many cases, a necessity, for business operators who are focusing on building or growing their online sales.

2. Promotes Remarketing

Individuals who interact with your business in one way or another are worth your attention for follow up marketing efforts. The fact that someone is taking the time to visit your business website and check what you are offering is an indication of their interest. Reaching those who have previous interactions with your enterprise is critical, and you can achieve that through digital marketing.

The reason is that engaging those who know about your brand is less costly, and the probability of closing a sale, in this case, is also high. Digital marketing promotes remarketing, which implies that you can reach previous contacts effortlessly while realizing ROI as well.

3. Creates Brand Awareness

Search engines have become an ideal solution for individuals seeking information, which is why most individuals will turn there when they need to research. The same case applies to customers. When a buyer is searching for a product or service that will solve their challenges, they will go online to check what they can find there.

As a small entrepreneur or e-commerce merchant, you need to note that search engines account for at least 93% of all online experiences. Therefore, when you invest in digital marketing, like SEO, you are offering buyers a platform for finding the answers that they need. As more and more individuals visit your site, they will get to know more about your brand too.

Whether your business boasts several years of operation or is just starting, whether your enterprise has an online presence or not, digital marketing allows you to tell the world what you are offering as a means of creating awareness about your brand and eventually drive tangible conversions.

4. Gives Your Business A Competitive Edge

Resources are an essential aspect of consideration when focusing on beating the competition. Well, that is currently a thing of the past. Digital marketing gives all businesses a relatively level playing field, despite their size, to promote healthy competition. An experienced PPC team can turn a medium ad budget into huge leads and conversions.

If you want to reach local, national, regional, or an international audience, digital marketing is your best bet because it is cost-effective, and it expands your reach too. Thriving in a competitive environment amidst the pandemic is also another challenge, but digital marketing will help you overcome, and in turn, you will realize the success you desire.

5. Encourages Social Media Marketing

Mobile devices have become a necessity in the world we are living in today. Adapting your marketing strategies is not an option if you want to reach as many people as possible. Part of the outcomes of the influx of mobile devices in society is that people are spending more time online and particularly on social media.

More than a billion individuals are active social media users, and this is a customer pool you should consider leveraging. If you are relying on print ads, part of the setbacks you are likely to experience include a limitation on time, location, and audience. It is also expensive to reach your target audience using print ads because you need to spend more to broaden your scope.

An experienced paid social expert can help you leverage your social connections by expanding your reach and targeting your ads appropriately. Facebook and Twitter are some of the social platforms where you can promote your brand and share unique content.

Hearing from both potential and existing clients is paramount, and you can achieve that by engaging your social connections, which may prove impossible with other marketing options.


One cannot overemphasize the importance of investing in digital advertising when the world is reeling under the pangs of the current pandemic. If you are not taking advantage of digital advertising right now, as a small business operator or e-commerce seller, you are missing a wealth of opportunities.

Now is the right time to consider digital marketing because it is one of the few services that can effectively function during the COVID-19 pandemic. By staying ahead of your competition and reaching a new audience with digital marketing, you can help to stabilize your business in the short and plan for the long term.

Additionally, adopting digital marketing will not only yield ROI, but it will also strengthen your relationship with various clients, which is paramount at such a time. If you need more information or reasons why you should invest in digital marketing, contact us today!

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